Open 3D Engine AtomLyIntegration Gem API Reference  24.09
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::Render::MaterialConsumerRequests Class Referenceabstract

#include <MaterialComponentBus.h>

Inherits AZ::ComponentBus.

Public Member Functions

virtual MaterialAssignmentId FindMaterialAssignmentId (const MaterialAssignmentLodIndex lod, const AZStd::string &label) const =0
virtual MaterialAssignmentLabelMap GetMaterialLabels () const =0
 Returns a map of all material slot labels.
virtual MaterialAssignmentMap GetDefaultMaterialMap () const =0
 Returns the available material slots and default assigned materials.
virtual MaterialAssignmentMap GetDefautMaterialMap () const
virtual AZStd::unordered_set< AZ::Name > GetModelUvNames () const =0
 Returns a map of UV Overridable UV channel names.

Detailed Description

Any component that wishes to consume materials from the material component and interface with its tools must implement this bus. These functions provide the material component with the number, layout, default values, labels, and other information about available material slots. For example, the mesh and actor components implement the functions on this bus using data provided by their model assets. The number of available LODs and material slots can change from one model asset to the next. Components with a fixed LOD and material slot layout, like decals, might return simple constants for all of the functions or simply use the default material slot.

Member Function Documentation

◆ FindMaterialAssignmentId()

virtual MaterialAssignmentId AZ::Render::MaterialConsumerRequests::FindMaterialAssignmentId ( const MaterialAssignmentLodIndex  lod,
const AZStd::string &  label 
) const
pure virtual

Search for a material assignment id matching lod and label substring

lodThe index of the LOD For the requested material slot. LOD values less than zero correspond to the default material slot or material slots without LODs.
labelA substring that will be used to search for the name of a material slot.

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