Open 3D Engine LandscapeCanvas Gem API Reference  24.09
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
LandscapeCanvas::SurfaceMaskDepthFilterNode Class Reference

Inherits LandscapeCanvas::BaseAreaFilterNode.

Public Member Functions

 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (SurfaceMaskDepthFilterNode, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (SurfaceMaskDepthFilterNode, "{0ED56444-24AC-4715-89C2-1DBFCA3C6DFA}", BaseAreaFilterNode)
 SurfaceMaskDepthFilterNode (GraphModel::GraphPtr graph)
const char * GetTitle () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from LandscapeCanvas::BaseAreaFilterNode
 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (BaseAreaFilterNode, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (BaseAreaFilterNode, "{53A10ED3-5ECF-421B-B824-84D4C052E92B}", BaseNode)
 BaseAreaFilterNode (GraphModel::GraphPtr graph)
const BaseNodeType GetBaseNodeType () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from LandscapeCanvas::BaseNode
 AZ_CLASS_ALLOCATOR (BaseNode, AZ::SystemAllocator)
 AZ_RTTI (BaseNode, "{94ECF2FF-C46C-4CCA-878C-5C47B943B6B7}", Node)
 BaseNode (GraphModel::GraphPtr graph)
const AZ::EntityId & GetVegetationEntityId () const
void SetVegetationEntityId (const AZ::EntityId &entityId)
void RefreshEntityName ()
 Refresh the name in the entity name property slot.
const AZ::ComponentId & GetComponentId () const
void SetComponentId (const AZ::ComponentId &componentId)
virtual AZ::ComponentDescriptor::DependencyArrayType GetOptionalRequiredServices () const
AZ::Component * GetComponent () const
bool IsAreaExtender () const
 Returns whether or not this node is a Vegetation Area Extender (Filter/Modifier/Selector)
void PostLoadSetup (GraphModel::GraphPtr graph, GraphModel::NodeId id) override
 Override the PostLoadSetup calls to ensure the entity name is refreshed correctly.
void PostLoadSetup () override

Static Public Member Functions

static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from LandscapeCanvas::BaseAreaFilterNode
static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from LandscapeCanvas::BaseNode
static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)

Static Public Attributes

static const char * TITLE

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from LandscapeCanvas::BaseNode
enum  BaseNodeType {
  Invalid = -1 , Shape , VegetationArea , Gradient ,
  GradientGenerator , GradientModifier , TerrainArea , TerrainExtender ,
  TerrainSurfaceExtender , VegetationAreaModifier , VegetationAreaFilter , VegetationAreaSelector
using BaseNodePtr = AZStd::shared_ptr< BaseNode >
- Protected Member Functions inherited from LandscapeCanvas::BaseNode
void CreateEntityNameSlot ()
 Create the property slot on our node to show the Entity name.
- Protected Attributes inherited from LandscapeCanvas::BaseNode
AZ::EntityId m_vegetationEntityId
 EntityId of the Vegetation Entity that holds this node.
AZ::ComponentId m_componentId = AZ::InvalidComponentId

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