Open 3D Engine AtomLyIntegration Gem API Reference  24.09
O3DE is an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, modular 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry.
AZ::Render::AreaLightComponentConfig Struct Referencefinal

Inherits ComponentConfig.

Public Types

enum class  LightType : uint8_t {
  Unknown , Sphere , SpotDisk , Capsule ,
  Quad , Polygon , SimplePoint , SimpleSpot ,
enum class  ShadowCachingMode : uint8_t { NoCaching , UpdateOnChange }

Public Member Functions

 AZ_RTTI (AZ::Render::AreaLightComponentConfig, "{11C08FED-7F94-4926-8517-46D08E4DD837}", ComponentConfig)
AZStd::vector< Edit::EnumConstant< PhotometricUnit > > GetValidPhotometricUnits () const
bool RequiresShapeComponent () const
bool LightTypeIsSelected () const
 Returns true if the light type is anything other than unknown.
bool IsAttenuationRadiusModeAutomatic () const
 Returns true if m_attenuationRadiusMode is set to LightAttenuationRadiusMode::Automatic.
bool SupportsBothDirections () const
 Returns true if the shape type can emit light from both sides.
bool SupportsFastApproximation () const
 Returns true if the light type supports a faster and less accurate approximation for the lighting algorithm.
bool SupportsShutters () const
 Returns true if the light type supports restricting the light beam to an angle.
bool ShuttersMustBeEnabled () const
 Returns true if the light type supports shutters, but they must be turned on.
bool ShuttersDisabled () const
 Returns true if shutters are turned off.
bool SupportsShadows () const
 Returns true if the light type supports shadows.
bool SupportsAffectsGI () const
 Returns true if the light type can be configured to affect global illumination.
bool ShadowsDisabled () const
 Returns true if shadows are turned on.
const char * GetIntensitySuffix () const
 Returns characters for a suffix for the light type including a space. " lm" for lumens for example.
float GetIntensityMin () const
 Returns the minimum intensity value allowed depending on the m_intensityMode.
float GetIntensityMax () const
 Returns the maximum intensity value allowed depending on the m_intensityMode.
float GetIntensitySoftMin () const
 Returns the minimum intensity value for UI depending on the m_intensityMode, but users may still type in a lesser value depending on GetIntensityMin().
float GetIntensitySoftMax () const
 Returns the maximum intensity value for UI depending on the m_intensityMode, but users may still type in a greater value depending on GetIntensityMin().
bool IsShadowFilteringDisabled () const
 Returns true if shadow filtering is disabled.
bool IsShadowPcfDisabled () const
 Returns true if pcf shadows are disabled.
bool IsEsmDisabled () const
 Returns true if exponential shadow maps are disabled.
bool SupportsGobo () const
 Returns true if the light type supports gobo texture.

Static Public Member Functions

static void Reflect (AZ::ReflectContext *context)

Public Attributes

AZ::Color m_color = AZ::Color::CreateOne()
float m_intensity = 100.0f
float m_attenuationRadius = 0.0f
PhotometricUnit m_intensityMode = PhotometricUnit::Lumen
LightAttenuationRadiusMode m_attenuationRadiusMode = LightAttenuationRadiusMode::Automatic
bool m_lightEmitsBothDirections = false
bool m_useFastApproximation = false
AZ::Crc32 m_shapeType
AZ::Data::Asset< AZ::RPI::StreamingImageAsset > m_goboImageAsset
bool m_enableShutters = false
LightType m_lightType = LightType::Unknown
float m_innerShutterAngleDegrees = 35.0f
float m_outerShutterAngleDegrees = 45.0f
bool m_enableShadow = false
ShadowCachingMode m_shadowCachingMode = ShadowCachingMode::NoCaching
bool m_cacheShadows = false
float m_bias = 0.1f
float m_normalShadowBias = 0.0f
ShadowmapSize m_shadowmapMaxSize = ShadowmapSize::Size256
ShadowFilterMethod m_shadowFilterMethod = ShadowFilterMethod::None
uint16_t m_filteringSampleCount = 12
float m_esmExponent = 87.0f
bool m_affectsGI = true
float m_affectsGIFactor = 1.0f
AZ::Render::LightingChannelConfiguration m_lightingChannelConfig

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr float CutoffIntensity = 0.1f

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